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It is a simple, web-based program, designed to help parents, teachers and students communicate with each other and keep track of the day-to-day schoolwork. School Soft offers full disclosure and transparency. When logged in, parents will find information about Login Hints Begin the application by filling out the the applying child's Swedish national ID number (use the form yymmdd-nnnn). (If your child doesn't have a valid national ID number, please contact the school directly by e-mail or phone). Öppenhet – nyckeln till framgång School Soft gör det enkelt för föräldrar att ta del av sina barns skolarbete.

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Here are the calendar dates for next school year 2021-2022. Fall term: 18 August to 17/12 (Höstlov w44) Spring term: 11 January to 14 June (Sportlov w9, Påsklov 14/4-22/4, Lovdagar 26/5-27/5 and 6/6) Go to SchoolSoft website IES News .

Consensum Vuxenutbildning - Utbildningar för dig som vill

Login Hints Begin the application by filling out the the applying child's Swedish national ID number (use the form yymmdd-nnnn). (If your child doesn't have a valid national ID number, please contact the school directly by e-mail or phone). School Account To login to your school account and continue to work at home.; SchoolSoft To login to your SchoolSoft account as student or guardian.; Why Apply? Join the queue of IES Länna.

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Queues now open for students born in Öppenhet – nyckeln till framgång School Soft gör det enkelt för föräldrar att ta del av sina barns skolarbete. Det är ett enkelt, webbaserat program som är utformat för att hjälpa föräldrar, lärare och elever att kommunicera med varandra och hålla ordning på det dagliga skolarbetet. School Soft erbjuder fullständig insyn och transparens. Here are the calendar dates for next school year 2021-2022.

School Soft erbjuder fullständig insyn och transparens. ShoolSoft:https://sms6.schoolsoft.se/engelska/jsp/Login.jsp Internationella Engelska Skolan.

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More than 21 400 students attend our 30 schools around the country. Internationella Engelska Skolan is today the largest free school organization at the compulsory level (Grundskolan) in Sweden. More than 21 400 students attend our 30 schools around the country.